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by Wellness Editor COVID-19 patients may struggle with lasting consequences, even long after the virus has cleared. There are a number of conditions now coming to light as possible lingering effects including some that may be lifelong. New reports suggest COVID-19 could be leaving staggering numbers of heart injuries in its wake for as many as 60% of those who have severe symptoms. COVID-19 Creates Heart Complications... 1/26/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Researchers believe they have found an “anxiety vaccine” in the most unlikely place: soil. Studies have shown that a common bacterium found in plain old dirt, Mycobacterium vaccae, has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the brain from being wired for stress. This means that an overly sterile environment in childhood could contribute to anxiety disorders later in life. For decades, scientists... 1/25/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Hilary Thompson Smartphones, tablets, and laptops provide us and our kids with a never-ending stream of possibilities for learning and entertainment—but we know that too much screen time can be dangerous for our health and well-being.Lost sleep, distracted workdays, waning attention spans, and even teen depression can result from spending too much time in virtual space. But the good news is there are lots of ways... 1/23/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Your partner can be a great source of support and motivation in your weight loss journey. In fact, studies have shown that positive spousal support increases the likelihood that you will stick to your diet. Negative support or nagging, on the other hand, can have an adverse effect. Of course, we all want to keep things on the positive side, but that can be difficult if you’re the only one in the relationship... 1/22/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor An estimated two-thirds of pregnant American women take acetaminophen for aches, pains, and fevers. For years, doctors have been saying the drug was benign and safe to take during pregnancy. As it turns out, it may not be as safe as we once thought. Studies have found that acetaminophen may be associated with a higher chance of developmental disorders like ADHD and autism. Long-term use of medications... 1/21/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Fred Fletcher Considering the fact that our bodies are mostly made from water, it's easy to see why we need to consume so much of it per day (about 3 liters--more, if you exert yourself to any extent). In fact, without access to clean, drinkable water, we would soon die. To put this in a different light: we can live without food for days and even weeks (depending on our age, health status and body weight), but we... 1/18/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Donald McGee Body inflammation gets a lot of bad press, but these stories refer to chronic or excessive inflammation that causes health problems. There is also a good type of inflammation that occurs when a strong immune system responds therapeutically to an illness or injury. Beneficial inflammation is a survival tool the healthy immune system uses to differentiate a harmless substance from a harmful one called... 1/14/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Cathy Scarlett We’ve all heard about the protein-rich, low-carb diets that are making the rounds on the internet. Experts are claiming that high protein diets can give you better energy and can help you reduce weight. Does this hold any water? That is what we are going to find out here.There are a lot of studies that suggest that lean protein diets are good for the body in general, and help you lose pounds. What... 1/13/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor You might not be able to go to the gym for a while, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work on your fitness. Gyms aren't required, they just offer motivation in the form of having company and having to pay for something. But for those of us who are pros at self-motivation, we don't need them to get fit. And for those who need a little help in the motivation department, we can build in self-motivation... 1/12/2022 6:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor A balanced, nutritious diet is vital for good health. Not only does a nutrient-rich, varied diet provide our bodies with the ingredients we need to be strong, healthy and active, but it also helps ward off disease. When combined with physical activity, a good diet can help us maintain a healthy weight, get healthy if we aren't already and stay energized. One of the best ways to get all the nutrients... 1/11/2022 6:00:00 AM
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