Posts by Wellness Editor

Like other systems in your body, the better you maintain your brain, the more efficiently it’s going to run. Your cognitive reserve, or your brain’s ability to problem-solve and adapt around complex issues, can decline over time. Brain games and crossword puzzles might help, but you’ll need more than mental exercises to keep your reserves at their best. Good diet and proper exercise are vital to proper...
3/24/2025 4:00:00 AM
The CDC reports more than 49,000 people die each year by suicide. For every one successful suicide, 52 people make unsuccessful attempts. While the highest suicide rates are among the middle-aged and elderly, clusters of suicides sometimes occur in teens and young adults. Some research suggests that under the right conditions, suicidal ideation can actually become “contagious.” Many studies have looked...
3/21/2025 4:00:00 AM
It’s that time of the year again. The sniffles, congestion, and red eyes are a dead giveaway: It’s allergy season. And now is the time to get prepared. Many allergy sufferers have multiple allergens but a whole lot of us are sensitive to pollen — and therefore we suffer most in the spring. Here are some solid tips on preparing for those miserable spring allergies. Set Up an Appointment With a Doctor...
3/21/2025 4:00:00 AM
Not much can disrupt a person’s day like a bad night’s sleep. According to the CDC, over 35% of adults fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep they should be getting each night, and the repercussions could be huge. So why are so many people failing to get enough sleep? A handful of common insomnia myths could be at least partially to blame. Myth: Alcohol Makes a Helpful Sleep Aid Many of us...
3/18/2025 4:00:00 AM
The brain is, without a doubt, our most valuable asset. It houses our personality, defines who we are and allows us to navigate the world. We want to preserve as much of it as possible, but we may also have multiple hurdles working against us. Genetic issues and neurodegenerative diseases can significantly affect our mental functioning.We still have more power than we may realize, though, and some...
3/13/2025 4:00:00 AM
A lot of people adore sushi, but they might not realize the health risks associated with their culinary delights. A recent compilation of past studies strongly suggested that parasites in seafood might be on the rise. For anyone who eats raw or undercooked seafood, the risk of contracting parasites is real. In the last 40 years, the abundance of worms in these items has gone up drastically. A 283-fold...
3/10/2025 4:00:00 AM
Think VapoRub is just for cold and flu season? You can do more with VapoRub than you think. That little jar gathering dust in your bathroom cabinet may have more uses than you know about. We’ve uncovered 5 clever things you can do with it.Use it to make invigorating shower bombs, or try it as an analgesic rub, antiseptic, insect repellant or toenail fungus treatment. Get the details below...The BasicsVapoRub...
3/7/2025 5:00:00 AM
Animals can contract viral and bacterial illnesses just like humans. But do animals pass these on to their owners? There answer is it depends. While animal illnesses like heartworm or kennel cough can’t be shared with humans, there certainly are conditions that can. Pets can share toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, salmonella, ringworm and rabies with their owners. These conditions range from mild and annoying...
3/7/2025 5:00:00 AM
Our genes determine everything from body type and facial features to hair and eye color. Experts once believed the genetics behind eye color was simple, with a small number of genes responsible for our many subtle differences. Now, they’re finding they’ve barely touched the surface.There may be several dozen distinct gene variations that can come together in different ways to affect both the color...
3/5/2025 5:00:00 AM
Anger is one of the most basic of human emotions. It's experienced even by babies. But while infants and toddlers manage their anger primarily with tears and physical reflex, such as hitting, adults have better options. Using healthy ways to manage anger can benefit your mental and physical health and it makes you more likable in most cases. How Does Anger Affect the Body?Studies show that feeling...
3/4/2025 5:00:00 AM