These 2 Things Turn Back the Clock on Your Brain
Like other systems in your body, the better you maintain your brain, the more efficiently it’s going to run. Your cognitive reserve, or your brain’s ability to problem-solve and adapt around complex issues, can decline over time. Brain games and crossword puzzles might help, but you’ll need more...
Suicide Ideation Can Be Contagious
The CDC reports more than 49,000 people die each year by suicide. For every one successful suicide, 52 people make unsuccessful attempts. While the highest suicide rates are among the middle-aged and elderly, clusters of suicides sometimes occur in teens and young adults. Some research suggests t...
Prepare Yourself for Spring Allergies
It’s that time of the year again. The sniffles, congestion, and red eyes are a dead giveaway: It’s allergy season. And now is the time to get prepared. Many allergy sufferers have multiple allergens but a whole lot of us are sensitive to pollen — and therefore we suffer most in the spring. Here a...
5 Insomnia Myths That Could Cost You Precious Sleep
Not much can disrupt a person’s day like a bad night’s sleep. According to the CDC, over 35% of adults fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep they should be getting each night, and the repercussions could be huge. So why are so many people failing to get enough sleep? A handful of common ...
The Biggest Step You Can Take to Protect Your Brain Health
The brain is, without a doubt, our most valuable asset. It houses our personality, defines who we are and allows us to navigate the world. We want to preserve as much of it as possible, but we may also have multiple hurdles working against us. Genetic issues and neurodegenerative diseases can sig...