
by Wellness Editor Picture a world filled with imagination, one in which every person can visualize their dreams until they become reality. Imagine, in the mind’s eye, a view of our ideal future, with every detail carefully planned. Envision a vacation on a tropical island. Heck, imagine an apple. Got it? Is it red and shiny and perfect? Not everyone can do that, though. Maybe you can't. And if so, aphantasia may be... 12/20/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Finding the right balance of vitamins and nutrients in our diets can be tricky, and we might not always see the immediate signs when our bodies are lacking. Deficiencies can show themselves in different ways, and symptoms can sometimes be vague or easy to brush off or ignore.It’s important to pay attention when we notice any changes to how we feel or function, although some signs are bigger red flags... 12/20/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor We’re learning more and more about the roles different bacteria can play in human health, even beyond the infections some of them can cause. Our microbiomes, or the cultures of bacteria and other microbes that live in and on our bodies, can affect multiple aspects of both our physical and mental well-being. But many of us may not know that imbalances of some bacteria could even be responsible for some... 12/20/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Most of us make freeing little noises every day related to our digestive processes. But a toot out the rear can be more of an embarrassment than a relief. While there are ways to be discreet about occasionally passing gas, it’s considered flatulence if it happens too often. Healthline states that the average person passes gas between 5 and 15 times each day. But when it gets excessive or uncontrollable,... 12/19/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) has been marketed under several names, but all forms of the solution are industrial disinfectants that are far from healthy to consume. Users can suffer nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. MMS consumption has also caused acute liver failure in some cases.It goes by a handful of names, and its reported benefits are many, but nobody should be concentrating the actual product... 12/18/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Garden State Pain Management Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, is so prevalent that many people consider it a normal part of aging, especially in middle age. However, it’s important to know that sciatica discomfort can be treated by a pain management specialist—there’s no need to accept sciatica pain as an inevitable or unsolvable issue.What is Sciatica? Sciatica refers to pain, tingling, or numbness that travels along the sciatic... 12/17/2024 7:02:06 PM
by Wellness Editor People who have multiple chemical sensitivity disorder (MCS) experience reactions after exposure to low levels of chemicals found in everyday objects such as carpet, plastic, perfume and paint, among others. The substances that can trigger MCS reactions are seemingly endless, making it challenging to pin down and eliminate irritants. What’s more, those who have MCS are likely to have sensitivities... 12/17/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Far from a mere inconvenience or annoyance, loneliness can be a serious health risk. And what's worse, loneliness could be on the rise among older Americans. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 43% of U.S. seniors feel lonely on a regular basis. While older age in itself doesn’t predispose a person to loneliness, it can be a factor. Loneliness is dangerous because... 12/17/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiencies can be linked to lower energy levels, and immune system function as well as a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and cancer. Are you getting enough vitamin D for optimal health? How the Body Makes and Uses Vitamin... 12/16/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Sometimes you have no choice but to hold it. Who hasn’t regretted that second cup of coffee on a road trip or getting a beer at a concert or big game? Waiting until you’re uncomfortable might not be harmful if you’re healthy or you do it infrequently. If you have certain health conditions, or if you hold your pee too often, you could be putting yourself at risk for some unpleasant complications.Holding... 12/13/2024 5:00:00 AM does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment nor do we verify or endorse any specific business or professional listed on the site. does not verify the accuracy or efficacy of user generated content, reviews, ratings or any published content on the site. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use.
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