If I could give minus five stars, I would do so happily.......In 2005 Cher Myers' negligent and unethical testimony had opened the door for four children to ongoing abuse and neglect by a convicted drug user. Between Cher Myers and the Lake County DCF worker Phillipe Montepelier, you both caused me to lose my children based on my ex's word and using my then then 13 year old brainwashed daughter to say they were afraid of their own mother. Your reports were so outlandish I couldn't have made it up myself! Read on for updates to this case to 2017.
I lost four children in 2005 due to my ex's kidnapping in the middle of the night. I went to the police, the shelter, the court, the county, and my ex had already ingratiated himself to the authorities, making me look like I was unfit. No one would put out an Amber alert. Not once did I get to see my four children for 3 and 1/2 years, all the while knowing that something sinister was happening to my eldest child. My ex was sexually molesting my eldest daughter from the age of 12. That was my motive to get out and take the children away. My then 12 year old was so scared of him she told him of my plan. His ultimate motive was to eliminate me, the potential witness which was eventually sealed by Cher Myers incompetency in testifying that my kids were not being coached by this sociopath. Her greed prevented me from paying an exorbitant amount of money to spend thirty minutes with my kids in an utterly humiliating supervised visitation. At the time I was in a domestic violence shelter with no money and no home. There was a break in the case on March 18th, 2010 due to a strong eyewitness and verbal account through my daughters school friend. I applied to the courts for temporary custody based on what I heard from a friend of my then 19 year old daughter. I was granted the injunction and saw, for the first time in 3 and 1/2 years, my 7 year old twins, a 15 year old angry child who was caged inside of a home with a monster and a malnourished 19 year old daughter with numerous emotional problems and drug addiction from being introduced to crack cocaine by the very father from the original time of Cher Myers testimony in 2005 telling Judge Pope they were safer with their father. It took every bit of strength, love, and encouragement to pull these kids through when I found out about the continuing drug abuse and molestation. We tried and failed to prosecute because as the courts say, without evidence it's impossible to try.
My then 7 year old twin son experienced severe emotional problems and was terrified of being alone. He was having a difficult time going to the bathroom alone was urinating in his pants. I had to buy pull-ups for him and encouraged him to go to the bathroom, but not without me standing near the door.
We were scared and feeling alone but knew justice would eventually be served. It was always my hope that we would finally have our voices heard and hopefully prevent this type of tragedy from occurring to other vulnerable parents who have been so beaten down emotionally, physically, and financially by a spouse with a bigger mouth and a bucket of money that they are able to exploit the weak and the innocent in order to frame a parent into looking like they are unfit and dangerous. The motive? Get rid of the parent who will expose the other and make them look like they are crazy, addicted, bi-polar people who have no business being a parent. My credibility was destroyed by this man and through the actions of this incompetent and evil woman who calls herself a professional in the field of mental health! and I had no defense.
UPDATE: August, 2017 15 years later, the sicko ex was caught in the act of sexual battery on my now 27 year old daughter while she was incapacitated. He was drugging her with GHB. Yes, and DNA evidence has been collected. She went to the hospital and found a way to escape him. My kids are a lifelong mess, each one with an immense amount of pain. I have dealt with constant psychotic breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse with the eldest who was molested, the second child has no idea how to get ahead and my twins are withdrawn and angry. Cher, you were the catalyst to our historically lifelong family tragedy. The blood is still on your hands and will be for generations. The silver lining to this egregious misuse of your power in the courts is to find a way to never allow someone like you to testify against a parent you never met or spoke to. My hopes are that anyone who reads this will band together to help create a law in my daughter's name so people like you are never allowed to make a decision based on one parent's side of the story. You failed us and you failed my children. Society is not better off with you. Resign your position or find another career, you are clearly not mental health material and should never be allowed inside a courtroom when it comes to the safety and well being of any child. You're a fraud and a coward.
by Lyn S
August 28, 2017