Our moods may be more dependent on the people around us than we realize. We might tend to think we wake up and feel a certain way based on circumstances but that's probably not as true as we'd like to think. There’s a lot of strength in the words of others, especially when we’re feeling angry or vulnerable. A recent study has demonstrated just how powerful validation can be. Here’s how each of us can...
No two families are the same and definitely, no two dynamics are the same, but some families get along better than others. And if you're the person who has been longing for the reason others get along while looking askance at your own bickering brood, we hope this will help. The differences can come down to several possible factors, each having the power to bring groups of loved ones together or drive...
As we are growing up, our parents influence our health, from how much they encourage us to exercise to the food they provide. As adults, we take charge of our well-being. Or -do- we? Researchers have discovered surprising evidence that our spouses and domestic partners might also impact our wellbeing to a degree we've never quite realized. What Research Reveals About Couples’ Health - Our medical system...
Starting to freak out because you're still single? Inhale through your nose; exhale through your mouth and relax. There are lots of reasons it might actually be -better- for you to find your true love when you're well past your 20s. These days, plenty of people date and don't get married until they are in their 30s, 40s or beyond. While you won't get to spend the hard-partying years with your mate...
Here’s a secret to extending your life: Don’t argue or fight with your spouse, children, or friends. A number of research studies establish that your relationships are as important as your diet and your exercise for extending your life. Every time you argue with your kids, you are traumatizing them and shortening your own life. Researchers found that stresses related to excess demands, conflicts, and...
If you asked 100 men what they look for in a woman, you may get 109 different answers. Some men like brunettes. Some like gracious women. Some like bold women. And we tend to think that all men prefer conventionally beautiful women. Yet if you ask a man who's currently in a relationship what's important in a mate, an important trend emerges. It turns out that being in a relationship with a woman who's...
According to the Associated Press and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 22% of men admit to cheating on their significant other, while 14% of women admit to infidelity. And according to a 2013 study referenced in the Huffington Post, women had more affairs in the past two decades than in previous years. Clearly, cheating on our partners is increasing and it’s becoming easier to do through...
From the time we are born, we are dependent in some way on other people. As we grow, we learn that healthy relationships mean giving to, as well as taking from, others. But when we are a codependent enabler, we build our lives around pleasing others. We may lack outside interests, focusing only on our need to be needed. Codependency may begin in our childhood. Possible causes include feeling unwanted,...
An emotional attachment to another person while in a relationship can be just as devastating to a partner as a physical affair. However, it is also possible to simply have a good friend who shares an emotional bond, without being in anything more than a friendship relationship. But sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. According to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, about...
We all tend to pair up with people who view the world the way we do; not that they have the same politics or taste in food, but they have the same ideas about what relationships look like and how partners treat each other. Our parents or other caregivers model relationships for us. Sometimes they’re good models that will work well for us all our lives. But sometimes they're not. And when they're not,...