Cindy met Bill through her tennis club. He was charming, good-looking, and he swept her off her feet in a whirlwind courtship. Pushing for a quick marriage, he proposed after only two months. Though she felt a few flutters of anxiety, Cindy accepted, hoping for true love. Six months later, she deeply regretted the haste. Bill turned out to be both alcoholic and verbally abusive, with the threat of...
When people say - “That couple’s got chemistry!” - what exactly are they talking about? Well, they “hit it off,” or they have “much in common,” or they are “bonding,” or they’re “clicking,” or they got-it-going on “romantically!” These phrases are used frequently, but when you think about it, they are surface-statements that do not explain much about the nuts and bolts of a loving relationship. We...
We all have things we wish we would have done differently. Many of us regret certain relationship faux pas that ended our time with loved ones too soon. Consider these 6 relationship regrets and how you can avoid them in the future... 1. Denying Your Partner’s Happiness - Relationships are not one sided. You can’t be the only one who’s happy. You need to make sure your partner is happy as well. Denying...
There are many different types of dysfunctional relationships. In codependent types of relationships, a common pattern of behavior that can be found is the -anxious-avoidant -trap. I explain this pattern in full detail in my book, "-The Marriage and Relationship Junkie,"-and once you know the -trap, -it is easy to see. Let's take a look... The Dynamics - The dynamics of the -anxious-avoidant -trap...
Your partner can be a great source of support and motivation in your weight loss journey. In fact, -studies- have shown that positive spousal support increases the likelihood that you will stick to your diet. Negative support or nagging, on the other hand, can have an adverse effect. Of course, we all want to keep things on the positive side, but that can be difficult if you’re the only one in the...
Conflict is a part of life - and oftentimes relationships.- The question is how you manage conflict with your partner - and whether you're successful at finding peaceful resolutions - or you do more damage. Resentment is toxic to relationships and unhealthy conflict resolution skills can create a mountain of it. Here are 5 signs you don't fight fair:- 1. You name call or make character attacks (e.g....
Arguments among dating and married couples have gotten a bad name. Sure, they cause anger, frustration, tears, breakups, and divorces, but apart from that, who doesn't enjoy a good yell at their partner from time to time? If you're looking to have a totally irritating and unproductive argument, here are some tips I recommend: - 1. Strike while the iron is hot. If your significant other does something...
Selfishness has a negative connotation in our culture; but it’s not selfishness, it’s a lack of empathy that hurts others. While I am no Ayn Rand acolyte, I do agree with her argument in “The Virtue of Selfishness.” Taking care of oneself is not only reasonable; it is necessary – necessary for survival. But our culture has placed a judgment on taking care of oneself – as if taking care of yourself,...
A long-term relationship or marriage is a blessing—but what do you do when the doldrums set in? How can you see your spouse with fresh eyes? Appreciating everything you have together and awakening what may have gone dormant? - Celebrate What's Working:- Research has shown that couples who focus on the negatives in their relationship end up feeling more negative! What a surprise. A study by Robinson...
Our sexual health is one of the most important elements of our whole being and natural existence, and yet one that is often shunned, ignored or found to be downright "dirty." A mentor of mine once said, "You should look at EVERY person as a sexual being!" - In my fertility practice, I constantly have patients asking about ways to bring about or keep the "spark" alive in their relationship. I think...