East West Acupuncture and Massage provides the highest quality acupuncture and massage care in the region. Nationally certified and professionally trained practitioner helps adults and children with pain and other health issues. We also specialize in natural hormone balance therapies that support menopause and fertility care. Also address stress realted issues, muscle and joint pain, headaches, sleep issues and more. . .
Servicesacupuncture five element acupuncture Japanese acupuncture TCM acupuncture Chinese herbal medicine cupping gua sha massage therapy pain management hormone regulationAdditional ServicesMassage Therapy
I was very happy to see she was back in Cheyenne visiting family and taking patients. I was helped with a flare-up of my Shingles pain and she was able to get rid of the pain quickly with a treatment. I am going to follow up with the other doctor in the office since he comes highly recommended by her.