Mark Anderson specializes in two main areas: trauma and marital therapy. As an EMDR certified clinician, he has many years of experience in helping individuals recover from various types of trauma. His state-of-the-art model of treatment uses multiple modalities - cognitive, emotional, physical, and imagery to help the client find stress relief and emotional healing in an efficient manner which minimizes risks of retraumatization. Additionally, he uses Emotionally Focuses Therapy (EFT), a highly effective evidence-based program, to help couples find wholeness and healing within committed relationships. EFT goes below the surface emotions that get stirred up in the cycles of pursuit, disengagement, and conflict that characterize most distressed relationship. By reaching the core emotions of loneliness, fear, and sadness that underly the negative cycles, Mr. Anderson is able to help partners gain control of negative cycles and renew the love and vitality of healthy attachment bonds.
Primary Specialty
Marriage & Family Therapist
EducationM.S.W. in Clinical Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 1991
TrainingExternship, Family Therapy Practice Center, Washington, D.C., 1993
AffiliationsNational Association of Social Workers EMDR International Association International Center for Excellence in EFT