Lose 7 Lbs In 7 Days With My Detox Diet...Morris County NJ Personal Trainer Shows You The Right Way To Detox!

By Jose Fuentes/Certified Nutritionist/CPT/K.A.C.S./S.C.S

Colon is the sewer system of the body and if this gets choked then you can imagine the problems that occur if the sewer of the street is choked. The choking of colon can lead to constipation and production of poisonous gasses which in turn is harmful for the body. The cleaning of this part of the body is really easy.

On the other hand, a whole body detox is very beneficial, since harmful chemical substances, that cause headache, fatigue and nausea, are eliminated out of your body. There are a lot of programs available in the market. Here, the main idea is to relinquish diets that contain toxins such as sugar, meat, white flour, dairy food and caffeine.

This is the actual diet I use for my weight management programs on patients that need a full body cleansing and detox:

1 medium bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat (honey or maple syrup as a sweetener), 8 oz of distilled water with lemon


Oat bran muffin with one whole grapefruit (Pink) 8 oz of distilled water

Mid-morning snack:

Select 1 : Pear, apple, banana, medium bawl of melon or cup of berries

Select 1: 1 cup of lentils, peas, kidney pinto or lima beans -NO MEAT
Select 1: 1 1/2 cups of broccoli , turnip greens, squash, green beans , or carrots/8 oz of distilled water


Large mixed salad with low cal dressing and 8 oz of distilled water with lemon

(Select from mid morning snack)


1 cup of steam or boiled vegetables/ 1 sliced of whole wheat bread and 8 oz of distilled water with lemon
Follow this diet for seven days step by step and watch the results!

For a ore comprehensive diet and detox plan check our book at:

9/24/2011 2:21:12 AM
Written by shapesrin
I started my journey as an instructor In Mexico city at the young age of 10! Teaching kids Northern Style kung-Fu in which I already had a black belt by then!. "I discovered my passion for teaching fitness at a very young age". Until this date I have never forgotten the faces of those boys and girls when ...
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Welcome to your resource for dieting tips, losing weight and achieving a full-body detox in 7 days. Are you ready for this 7 day diet? This seven day diet is not only a balanced diet but also a healthy diet as through this diet you will consume our wonder vi nu, fruits and vegetables that will allow you to lose weight quickly in 7 days and give your body the detox it deserves.
Posted by kimbehelyn
Welcome to your resource for dieting tips, losing weight and achieving a full-body detox in 7 days. Are you ready for this 7 day diet? This seven day diet is not only a balanced diet but also a healthy diet as through this diet you will consume our wonder soup, fruits and vegetables that will allow you to lose weight quickly in 7 days and give your body the detox it <url removed> nu
Posted by kimbehelyn
In a perfect world, we would all carefully prepare each and every meal and snack that we’re going to consume on our weight loss diet plan. We’d know exactly how many calories are in each meal and have the perfect breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats. Unfortunately though, we don’t live in a perfect world and very often, we simply don’t have the time to spend hours in the kitchen cooking our many meals and snacks to eat throughout the day.
Posted by kimbehelyn
I have done this diet twice in the past 6 months, first time I used it I used concentrated banana for the first 4 days, and I never lost a thing the last three days I used actual Lemons and added Cayenne pepper or Ginger and lost 6 pounds. by: cellulean
Posted by ralphswurld
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Posted by love2011
Thank you so much for sharing an idea about this detox diet. I always love to follow your post. Thanks! by: Calories In a cucumber
Posted by wilsonadrian
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