How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? If you are like most people, probably groggy and ready to climb right back into bed. Don’t hit the snooze button just yet. There are a few simple tricks to feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day.
Taking Advantage of the Power Hour
Go to bed an hour earlier and give yourself an hour each day to wake up before you leave the house. That may sound terrible if you’re a snooze button addict, but taking the hour to go through a simple routine will make the rest of your day go far more smoothly. You will be able to focus better and have more stamina to complete all of the tasks that are part of your busy schedule.
Color Your Morning
Seeing vibrant and bright colors when you first open your eyes can give you a sudden burst of energy that will kick your body into gear. How do you ensure this? It’s as simple as having a bright yellow, orange or red throw pillow or piece of art in your space. You can even buy a robe in a bright shade of fuchsia or other bright color that suits you. Be stylish and get an adrenaline boost at the same time!
Stop Hitting Snooze
This is one of the most difficult habits to break. However, did you know that hitting snooze actually makes you feel more tired than if you were to wake up the first time it went off? This happens because your body is not able to reach the most restful stages of sleep in the five minutes between snooze cycles. It is best to either get to bed earlier or set your alarm for when you really need to wake up. That way, your body will be able to get more uninterrupted time in the most restful sleep cycles.
Drinking a Glass of Energy
If you want an energy boost, you probably reach for a mug of coffee or tea in the morning, but it’s actually a better idea to drink water instead. Being dehydrated can make you feel exhausted, and in the seven to nine hours you are asleep overnight, your body loses about two percent of its fluids. That’s enough to make you feel grumpy and mentally foggy in the morning. Instead of turning on the coffee pot as soon as you wake up, grab a glass of water.
Making it a Sunshine Day
A little sunshine in the morning will make you feel more awake. It’s a good idea to step outside as soon as you are awake to soak up a little sunlight. This will tell your biological clock to stop producing the hormone that makes you sleepy, melatonin. The sun also increases your brain’s production of serotonin, a natural mood booster.