Who’s Got Your Back? 5 Ways to Avoid Back Pain

Back pain is one of the biggest industries in the US, costing billions of dollars in pain medications, surgical interventions and lost productivity. Disc degeneration, ruptured discs, pinched nerves and the dire sounding lumbago (which is simply a word for unexplained lower back pain) interfere with performance and pleasure leaving many people feeling hopeless.


While injury and wear and tear are certainly contributing factors to back pain, the elephant in the room is not simply mechanical. It’s your emotions. No one says, “My back is anxious,” or “My back feels abandoned.” And yet even our common phrases intuit this emotional part of the anatomy. “She has no backbone,” “I feel like he doesn’t have my back,” “It was like a stab in the back,” “Back me up, here,” “I’ve got my back against the wall and I can’t get out of it!”


Anxiety, grief, insecurity can all influence the muscles of your back. Combine that with poor use of self, whether from sitting too much or postural choices and you’ve got a recipe for discomfort. Add fear of pain to the cocktail and you’re literally stuck in a holding pattern: holding yourself together, holding on for dear life.


Untangling the emotional interference with your happiness can take some practice, but here are some tips to begin the process of freeing yourself from habits that can lead to back pain.

1. Use Your Breath To Free Your Spine. Every breath you take involves a movement of your diaphragm, moving down as you inhale, then back up as you exhale. As your lungs expand, your ribs spread and as you exhale, the ribs move down and embrace your diaphragm. All of this interacts with your spine and your ribs, which attach to your spine. Every emotion has a breath pattern, so if you’re anxious or angry, your breath will respond and immediately tighten your back. You don’t need special breathing exercises, you just need to remember this very important fact and pay attention. Take time to stop, notice, and soften your breath.

2. Walk Like A Dinosaur. One cause of chronic lumbar pain is a tendency to tighten the buttocks and hold the pelvis up. There are many reasons for this toxic habit, but you CAN let it go. Stand with your feet comfortably apart. Sense your pelvis and your lower back (Lumbar). Imagine that hanging from your tailbone is a dinosaur tale that goes all the way to the floor – heavy, long and strong. Allow your pelvis and tailbone to lengthen and be supported by the tail. Walk around allowing the tail to support your lumbar so you don’t have to hold it up. Do this for a few minutes a day.

3. Rock and Roll Your Pelvis. Feel your sit bones contacting the seat of your chair. Rock your pelvis backward so that your back rounds. Then rock it forward till your back arches a bit. Go back and forth a few times and exaggerate the rounding of your back till your head bends forward and back with the pelvic rock. Rest. Rock your pelvis from side to side, letting your spine flop a little. Imagine connecting all the points you rocked to and circle your pelvis all around your seat. Try circling a few times in each direction. Don’t push it, keep it pleasurable and easy, your spine will thank you.

4. Relax Your Flexors. Your Psoas is a huge, deep muscle that connects your spine and hips. It governs your Fight, Flight, Fear response and can be instrumental in tightening everything, especially during stressful times. Lie on your back and bend your knees over your chest, holding onto your knees. Gently circle your knees. As you do that, you will feel the back of your pelvis moving. You can circle your knees in opposite directions, or both together. Take your time, breathe easily and after you do a few movements, let your legs come down and rest before you reverse direction.

5. Give Yourself a Hug. Sitting or lying down, wrap your arms across your chest. If you are lying down, have your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Begin to rock and roll from side to side, using your hands to help roll your ribs. Let your head go with you. Then let your pelvis go with you. (If you’re sitting, let your knees move.) Pay attention to your breath. Don’t force anything. Then make it smaller and speed it up, as if you were playing like a child. Rest. Change over your arms and repeat.


We are complex creatures with many stories locked in our bodies. Learning to listen to our hidden emotions can put your back, back on the path toward happiness and well-being.




Lavinia Plonka has been teaching the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education for over 30 years. She is a lead instructor of the Emotional Body®, author of several books on movement and an internationally recognized teacher of movement studies. For more information on Lavinia’s retreats visit www.laviniaplonka.com/kinesaretreat. For additional articles and tips visit www.laviniaplonka.com.



6/3/2023 4:00:00 AM
Lavinia Plonka
Written by Lavinia Plonka

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Posted by Stacey Burke Floyd
I was skeptical, until I purchased one. Spine issues since 2007. 4 spine surgeries in the last 6 1/2 years. Lumbar discs always pinching my L4, L5 and S1 nerves. For 16 years no spine surgeon or any other doc told me why I was having feet pain. I asked the PHX Suns foot doc to amputate my 5th metatarsal on my left foot. Toe felt like it was in a meat grinder 24 x 7. Instead of the doc sending me to a spine surgeon, he sent me to aquatic therapy. That help after a couple of months, but I REQUIRED spine surgery. A great Dr. in So Cal did my 2018 surgery and feet felt like brand new. Due to my disabilities, I lay in bed all day which causes arthritis in the spine. Bone spurs in the facet joints. READ your MRI reports and put the words not understood into GOOGLE search so you know what is really happening. Your spine doc will LIE to you and DOWNPLAY how bad your MRI report, really is. Especially, if you have Medicare and Medicaid. A doc told me a few months ago, that they don't get paid enough to do these surgeries !!! If you want to avoid spine surgery, buy a TEETER INVERSION TABLE. Hang upside down for 10 to 15 mins in the morning and at nite to decompress your discs in your spine. IT REALLY WORKS. Your feet and sciatica pain will lessen. Drs are using this database portal system to communicate to other drs about YOU in your State and all the other States. When you move to another State, a doc will pull up your health records (bye passing HIPPA LAWS) and see what other comments drs have written about you. Good luck trying to remove your name from this portal called : EPIC SYSTEMS. I have not been able to receive my much needed surgeries because a sick old retired doc from a Midwest State has put a comment about me in this database system. Don't sue a doc, or your name will wind up in EPIC SYSTEMS. A nurse from a drs office informed me about this system. The nurse heard of drs in her office 'getting back' at former patients bye putting bad comments about them in this database system. That explains how I have moved to 3 different States in the last 2 years and can not get a doc to do my many surgeries. This crosses States lines, hence my letters to the DOJ and FBI for criminal activity. A.G.'s office wanted no part of doing an investigation because his local drs where mentioned in my report. Talk about turning a blind eye !!! A top Senator from a northeast State once did me a huge favor 25 years ago. Reached out to his Washington office to inform of this white collar crime being committed. Because I live in the south (now), his Washington office called me and informed me to reach out to my Senators in the State that I live and report the crime. Drs are getting back at former patient's who have sued them. Drs are fed up with high yearly med-mal insurance. I did not even sue any doc. I just ran across a sick Chinese doc who thinks he runs the State, that he has lived in for 60 years. That this sick-co can tell drs in other States to refuse my surgery, not to refer me to a doc who can do my surgeries and injury me during an exam and or sedation procedure (3 drs.). Letters were written to the gov't agencies explaining me being injured. Once your name is put into this database system, you will not get treatment bye a doc. I know of two other people that this has happened to. Health Insurance companies are happy because they put out less claims. I wrote letters to my health ins company detailing what steps they could take to put the sick doc in the Midwest in his place (wallet).Once I sent my letters that they requested, they stopped communicating. CONTACT YOUR DEMROCRATIC SENATORS IN YOUR STATE by sending letters to their local office and their Washington office. If they do not write or call you, call their Washington office which is staffed. Any of your docs can put your name in EPIC SYSTEMS and you will NEVER get the surgery that you need. You will never know why !!! You will be in pain, yet tour new doc will tell you, you don't require surgery. It has happened to me for 2 1/2 years in three different States. MRI and CT scans show my damage. Don't rely on someone else calling. EVERYBODY needs to inform their State Senators about EPIC SYSTEMS owned bye a billionaire woman. Drs probably pay her company a yearly fee to use this service to write about former patient's who have sued them and or other issues the doc did not like.
Posted by Rick
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