Human Aging Process Reversed?

We’re all aging, whether we like it or not. It’s just one of those parts of life we can’t escape — or at least that’s what we tend to assume. But now, there may be a chance to reverse the process as scientific experimentation in Israel has indicated that a reversal of aging may become a real possibility.  Let’s take a look at what we know.

What Does Research Say About Aging?

Scientific research has heretofore shown that aging is pretty much inevitable. For a long time, the causes of aging weren’t actually known. But advances in research have shown that a key part of aging rests on the length of telomeres. The shorter these get, the faster aging takes place, and many things may make them shorter. 

Another critical aspect is the ability of cells to regenerate. Not only do telomeres become shorter as we age, but the body’s cells also reach a point where they stop regenerating. And this has been a process that's been largely out of our hands. But now, there may be a way to reverse the shortening of telomeres and the buildup of so-called senescent cells and make them more able to heal themselves.

What Are Telomeres, and Why Do They Matter?

Telomeres are the caps on the end of our chromosomes. They are there for protection, and not having them would allow damage to our DNA. The biology of aging and the study of it mostly centers around these telomeres. Stopping them from getting shorter, or helping them to grow longer again, might allow people to live longer.

Additionally, being able to manipulate these telomeres has the potential to reduce many of the age-related afflictions people experience. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and other health problems that are more typical of old age may become less prominent or be eliminated altogether. People with longer telomeres age more slowly, and finding out how to give that to the general population may be one of the most significant ways to increase longevity.  

Are There Existing Treatments to Slow the Cellular Aging Process?

Currently, researchers are developing anti-aging drugs. These are a part of game-changing research into the science of aging. The drugs are being tested in mice, with the potential for human trials in the future.

Additionally, mice that are calorie-restricted and become very slim live longer, but the extent of the restriction needed to replicate that in humans may not be realistic. Remaining very slim by willpower alone is challenging, and becoming too thin may have its own health implications and problems, as well.

But the ability to reduce the number of senescent cells and slow the shortening of telomeres are ideas that could work with medications or on their own to lengthen our lifespans and potentially give us more healthy years.

What is a Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment?

According to an article in Aging, scientists studying telomeres and cells in Israel found that placing people in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 90 minutes a day, five days per week, lengthened their telomeres by up to 20 percent over time. That’s like having the telomeres of someone who’s 25 years younger. 

While impressive, time will tell whether the effects last. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment involves giving someone pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. More oxygen is dissolved into the tissues that way, which may have regenerative effects. The treatment also showed the participants had 37 percent fewer senescent cells, which is another marker of reversing the effects of aging. 

And, of course, while it's incredibly promising, it's also unwieldy. How would we use this as a treatment for the elderly when it's time-consuming and must be done in a clinical setting?

It’s too early to tell if this treatment will be safe and effective for everyone or how long the effects might remain. It’s also too early to determine whether there could be additional benefits or unknown risks. But it's still exciting because it had such an immediate impact and this is equipment that's already available everywhere. So once again, science has shown that adding years to our lives, and life to our years, is possible. We just hope they get to some good answers before we get too much older!

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3/4/2021 6:14:20 PM
Wellness Editor
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Not reversed... but slowed down... especially if start early with healthy living...
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