A hernia can occur when an organ, or possibly fatty tissue, finds its way into your fascia (the surrounding area of a muscle). They are most common in the abdomen but can also occur in the groin, thigh, or belly button. There are 5 common types of hernias.
Hernias are primarily caused by anything that increases pressure to the abdomen area. There are several ways this can occur such as when lifting heavy objects that cause strain because the abdominal muscles are not engaged, from deep coughing or sneezing, or from constipation or diarrhea. Certain lifestyle habits such as smoking, obesity, or poor diet can lead to weakening of the muscles which increases risk for hernias to occur. The pressure pushes through a weak area or opening of the muscle (fascia).
The symptoms of a hernia include pain or discomfort to the affected area. This pain is heightened when a person coughs, bends over, or lifts something. A hernia can be diagnosed by a doctor from an X-ray or endoscopy. Changing diet can help alleviate a hernia, but it won’t make it go away. Keeping a healthy body weight is also important. Avoiding foods that cause acid reflux or heart burn can help, especially if you have a hiatal hernia. These symptoms can also be helped by over-the-counter antacids. Sometimes hernias go away with time. If the hernia continues to grow and cause pain, a doctor may decide that surgery is best. Open surgery is a longer recovery than laparoscopic repair. However, the hernia is more likely to re-occur with the laparoscopic method and not all hernias can be treated this way. Always know that pain is your body speaking to you, so seek a doctor’s help when an area is persistently causing you discomfort. Don’t let a hernia stop you from your daily activities and being able to exercise and enjoy life.