What's New for Children's Health & Education
Well, I'm back from the "windy city" and the whirlwind that is the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and I thought I'd share a little of the experience with you. From what I was told, this year's conference brought together 22,000 members of the Ass...
Should Schools Weigh in on Children's Weight?
The blogosphere has buzzed lately with the voices of parents who are appalled and sometimes outraged at the idea of the schools sending home notices regarding their children's weight. Here's part of a recent posting from MotherTalkers: "At least a dozen states have passed legislation requiring sc...
A Simple Concept for Children's Health
So much of what comes across my computer -- in the way of Google and New York Times alerts, and even e-mails from distraught parents and teachers -- is bad news. Or disturbing, discouraging, or all of the above. I read that recess and physical education are being cut. That children are overweight...
Farewell to Recess?
School has started all over the country, and all over the country children, parents, and teachers are discovering there's less time -- or no time -- being allotted for recess. I was reading an article at floridatoday.com called "Recess takes a time out: Law to increase activity eliminates recess ...
Personal Trainers for Preschool Kids?
I came across an article yesterday that just begged to be commented on. The piece was titled "Personal Trainers for Kids on the Increase: Kids Working with Fitness Experts Hone Skills, Lose Weight, Get Healthy." Anyone familiar with my work knows I'm all in favor of fitness for kids. In fact, it'...