Self Criticism
Now here is an interesting 'catch 22'. Self Criticism Without it we cannot improve ourselves. Too much of it and we are doomed to attracting nothing but negativity into our lives. So 'What do we do?' I really think that we always need to take into consideration a couple of things on a very consci...
The 'Oh You'll Never Be Able To Do That' People
Stop listening to the jackasses that keep telling you can't do anything about it. That you are not worth it. Their, 'you can't...' talk. Pure BS, because you can do something about it. You are worth it. YOU CAN! Those who would say those things to you are weak and afraid of you. Their world is is...
Take Chrage
Ok, I really need to say something, because I think it's time that those of us who like to take charge of our own life's direction, start to share how awesome life really is once you do this. And start bringing others 'into the light' so to speak. First of all, take comfort in the fact that YOU a...