Save the Nerve! : Alternatives to Nerve Excision for Morton's Neuroma
The nerve entrapment in the foot known commonly as "Morton's Neuroma" has been treated the same way for over 100 years...until recently. This common source of forefoot pain is caused by pinching the intermetatarsal nerve going to the 3rd and 4th toes most commonly (occasionally can involve the 2n...
Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy
Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy: Outcomes from 100 Consecutive Decompressions Juan M. V. Valdivia, MD *, A. Lee Dellon, MD , Martin E. Weinand, MD * and Christopher T. Maloney, Jr., MD * Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Arizona, Tucson. Departments of Pla...
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy There may be some optimism for patients with diabetes who suffer from painful peripheral neuropathy. By having yearly measurements made of the sensibility in your hands and feet, the earliest stages of neuropathy can be identified and appropriate changes in your diabetes manag...