I work as a Licensed Mental Health counselor in Tacoma, near the intersection of 19th and S Union. Licensed or Certified in Washington since 1991, I serve individual, couples, families in pursuing individual and relationship goals. I use a cognitive behavioral framework, a rational emotive enhancement, as well as a pastoral counseling backdrop. I have worked in pastoral ministry in Oregon from 1968-1991. My education includes the University of Oregon (MS, Sulpician School of the Northwest (M.Div), and the Benedictine Schools of St. Benedict, OR (BA). You can reach me at 253-272-5734. Please leave the best contact numbers and times to return your call. My office address, at the facility of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church: 3315 S 19th Street, TAcoma, WA 98405
Hometown: Tacoma, WA United States
Occupation: Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Interests: Relationship Counseling, Grief and Losss, Dealing with everyday Stress, Coping with depression, Coping with anxiety and/or OCD, Debriefing military personell for risk asessment after deployment, Coping with chronic illness, Parenting, Addictions, Faculty member of Harmony Hill Retreat Center in Union WA, President of Pierce County Counselors Association for 2008-2009
Philip G Prudhomme, LMHC hasn't written any posts.