Posts by Karen Schuder, EdD, MDiv, MAM

Rick quietly sat at the oak kitchen table staring at a cup of cold coffee. Susan paced the linoleum floor while weeping and asking, “Why? Why? Why?” Their only child, a young college student, had died. Life changing loss struck hard. Rick and Susan were hit with a mix of emotions, including anger, denial, sadness, and guilt. Tears coursed down my cheeks as I quietly sat with them. I felt overwhelmed...
8/26/2024 12:24:04 AM
“You should lose weight.”“You should always be considerate of others.”“You should be okay with a smaller salary after all your husband has a good job.”“You should be passive.”“You should be home taking care of your children.”And the list goes on. I have heard or felt all of these ‘should’ messages repeatedly throughout my life. Many are stuck in my psyche as if they have barbed hooks. Despite repeated...
7/21/2024 4:00:00 AM
Imagine a preschooler doing a prolonged wheelie on a tricycle. Short legs pumping hard to turn the pedals, red streamers flying off the handle bars while the front wheel is up in the air. Yes, it is a goofy metaphor, but we know such a trick would not be sustainable. Organizations, like tricycles, go much further with all three wheels working well. Yet how many times do we provide helping services...
5/22/2024 4:00:00 AM
Perspective influences everything. How we see and respond to the world around us determines the quality of life for ourselves and others. We can inspire or discourage. Despite our ability to choose perspective, we sometimes get stuck in attitudes negatively affecting life. Vera and Vi were great examples of the difference between choosing a positive attitude or getting stuck in a rut.Vera and Vi were...
4/11/2024 4:00:00 AM
Promote Self-Care While Caring for OthersThe help you give to others reveals the best the world has to offer. Caregiving is among the most rewarding and meaningful things we do. Despite this, do you ever fall in bed at night wondering if you did enough? Or are you worried about someone else’s wellbeing while struggling to find time to go on a walk or make a healthy meal? We work to radiate goodness,...
3/22/2024 1:10:58 PM
Anxiety, like a contagion, moves rapidly from person to person to person. Without a calming presence, it intensifies creating stress tornados that are hard to settle down. A family member demands attention, colleagues share frustrations, and a new appointment requires changing three other obligations. Even our most virtuous efforts helping others are challenged by pressures coming from various directions....
2/22/2024 8:19:31 AM
Increase Resilience and Purpose to Help Others More SustainablyHelping others can feel like being tossed around in a boat during a storm at sea. We say kind words only to get a rude response. Or someone responds with a smile and enthusiastic “Thank you!” We fall in bed at night, but the next day someone tells us we have increased responsibilities. We offer a helpful strategy that once again gets ignored....
1/22/2024 1:36:54 AM