Recently 5 menopause experts from different universities from the United States and Canada were asked the following question:Is hormone replacement therapy safe?Their answers prove they are no experts.Not one doctor acknowledged menopause as a disease. By definition, disease is defined by predictable signs and symptoms. The signs of menopause are predictable and universal - loss of bone density, loss...
8/21/2020 7:00:00 AM
An orgasm without sexual sensation is not as uncommon as you would think. If you normally have, or have had, normal sexual response and then you find that you feel the vibrations of an orgasm without the intense pleasure, then you have had an orgasm without sexual sensation. It is often called sexual anhedonia, orgasmic anhedonia or pleasure dissociative orgasmic dynfunction (PDOD), and can affect...
5/15/2019 7:00:00 AM
The discrimination in the KEEPS trial is very real and very damaging to the clinician's and patient's ability to receive appropriate care of advanced/profound hypogonadism (untreated menopause). The KEEPS clinical trial uses archaic and uncomfortable methods, ignores modern technology and misrepresents the drugs used as hormone therapy as neither regimen are predictably therapeutic. You can read more...
6/12/2014 5:33:24 PM
In my final installment of my 5 part series describing the discrimination in the KEEPS trial I will discuss what the future holds for the treatment of profound/advanced hypogonadism in women if trials like the KEEPS trial remain the norm.Unless something changes then the future will be as bleak as the present. Currently, there are no published standards for the optimal levels of estradiol, testosterone...
6/12/2014 7:00:00 AM
To recap from parts 1 and 2: The KEEPS trial is one of two hormone trials out of the Kronos Longevity Research Institute. One trial is for men and one is for women, both for the same condition, low hormones. The difference is that discrimination is designed into the women's clinical trial. The difference is that the men's trial: included modern hormone products tested and adjusted hormone levels used...
3/5/2014 4:09:40 AM
To recap from part 1: The KEEPS trial is one of two hormone trials out of the Kronos Longevity Research Institute (KLRI) with the same doctor designing and running both trials. One trial is for men and one is for women, both for the same condition, low hormones. The trial for men uses pure, bio-identical hormone and checks hormone levels periodically and adjusts the dosage to maintain youthful, adult...
4/17/2013 3:48:40 AM
It is discrimination, plain and simple. At the Kronos Longevity Research Institute (KLRI) there are two hormone trials going on; one for women and one for men. One clinical trial uses pure, bio-identical hormones and levels are checked to make sure they are raised to normal and in the other clinical trial the source of the hormones is horse excrement and no hormone levels are checked or adjusted to...
4/5/2013 7:39:03 PM
Anderson Cooper, I'm happy for you that you are comfortable and happy being gay. Frankly, I never thought about your sexuality. You are a good reporter and I enjoy your reporting. I find that you are good at getting the facts and weaving them together to make an informative story. Being gay is part of the human condition so the fact that you are gay does not need to be front page news. Because of your...
8/17/2012 2:00:26 PM
The intellectual abyss widens between what is and what isn't HRT. I am sure many of you have heard recently that a task force was formed to evaluate the results of the 'HRT' trials that have been done over the years. Well, the task force has released their draft results and they say that HRT is bad for you. The task force was partly right. The drugs reviewed are bad for you. The task force was also...
6/28/2012 6:43:29 AM
You may soon hear from the media that perhaps the Women's Health Initiative was judged too harshly, that HRT isn't so bad after all, and that it should be considered for menopausal women. You were manipulated once into believing that HRT was used in the WHI. Don't be manipulated again. "Rethinking" the WHI means opening up more sales for Premarin. Premarin is still bad for you. It creates extremely...
6/15/2011 8:36:02 PM