If one chooses to pay attention to the news of our day, we find extreme division, confusion, heart break and losses. I am noticing in my psychotherapy practice that a greater and greater number of people are anxious and upset in response to what is happening politically and environmentally, frequently staying triggered in the trauma/fear response of fight, flight or freeze. People are not having time...
7/9/2022 4:00:00 AM
There is no way out of grief. All you can do is experience it as it arises with more or less intensity. Some people refer to this as riding the waves of grief. You cannot always anticipate when a big wave of grief will be triggered.It’s important not to fight the grief or make yourself wrong for it in any shape or form. Longing, sadness, despair, anger, emptiness, disorientation, heartache and more...
12/7/2020 8:00:00 AM
I am living with an illness. Right now I am not referring to “Rheumatoid Arthritis” but rather something that is way more insidious and pervasive. This illness does not only invade my joints but impacts every cell of my being. My illness is a broken heart. One many of you may be suffering from as well. I am painfully aware of the intensification of the demise of our planet as we know it, the increase...
1/10/2020 8:00:00 AM
As I was going toward divorce in 1986, I found myself contemplating, “What is a marriage in which there is no divorce?”And I immediately knew — I must marry myself! I spent that entire year focused on the mission. The mission to intentionally become the partner to myself that I had been seeking. The mission that became the foundation for the rest of my life. First, I embarked on spending time growing...
10/23/2019 7:00:00 AM
It is said that in times of chaos and unrest, one’s commitment to spiritual practices/discipline are more important than ever. “Spiritual practice or discipline” is defined as a regular and daily performance of actions and activities undertaken for the purpose of cultivating spiritual development.Spiritual practice moves a person along a path toward liberation or union with the Divine. Each religion...
8/10/2019 7:00:00 AM
What changes would occur if we, as a human species, all around our globe, actually woke to the reality that we are truly One eco-system?We are interwoven, interconnected, and not separate from one another. This is not a “woo-woo” New Age thought. It is not a hypothesis. It is reality.A species doesn’t vanish from the earth without the whole system shifting in some way. Each year between 200 to 2,000...
5/15/2019 7:00:00 AM
Have you ever paid attention to how impactful your energy can be in a room of people or at a store or anywhere you go? Do you notice how often people respond to you in positive ways when you are feeling more expanded and happier? Likewise, when you are in a bad mood and gloomy, often people will mirror that back as well. Even when you feel invisible, you are still emitting energy.Bottomline, we are...
4/3/2019 7:00:00 AM
The Goodness Breath Project is an antidote for the negativity that is trigged by these difficult times of chaos. It is not something I was thinking about when the ideas of the Goodness Breath Project insisted on being known. I was in the process of writing an article about personal fulfillment and self-actualization when these ideas about goodness started pouring out of me and my fingers couldn’t type...
2/12/2019 8:00:00 AM
I will never forget walking into my new friend’s hip New York apartment and seeing a humongous banner draped across the entire wall of his place. It read in big bold capital letters: LOVE FOR REALITY CONQUERS LOVE FOR FANTASY!There is nothing greater than creating your life to be so rich that it is better than fantasy. And nothing is greater than loving your own life. If you think about it, all of...
10/31/2018 7:00:00 AM