View All Goals

  1. Skin Care
  2. The Sliding Wardrobes Company
  3. Eat mostly real unprocessed food
  4. senior care
  5. treat hypertension
  6. Eat Organic
  7. treat glaucoma
  8. Wear Sunglasses
  9. Have good eye comfort
  10. good sleep hygiene
  11. Not be depressed
  12. Eat at least 2 vegetables at every meal
  13. Correct my kidneys as they are working with half power.
  14. Strengthen Family Bonds
  15. Write About My Grief
  16. Meditate
  17. Lower my bad cholesterol
  18. Depression
  19. Taking time for Self-Care
  20. Plan a Budget & Improve Financial Stability
  21. stop over thinking
  22. Make an appointment
  23. Learn to BBQ better
  24. Eat a home more often
  25. Find Good Health Insurance Companies
  26. Cardio health
  27. Better diet
  28. More Family Time.
  29. Read the Bible daily
  30. Less stress
  31. Grow more spiritually
  32. Learn meditation
  33. To be more prayerful
  34. Access to doctor
  35. Podiatry
  36. Stop Smoking forever
  37. To have entergy too walk more
  38. To get toned up and in shape and lose some weight.
  39. Find a Vision Center
  40. Be happy about holidays, birthdays, etc
  41. Allergies
  42. Adhd
  43. Deep Tissue Massage
  44. Connective Tissue Massage
  45. To become debt free
  46. Set up your workout
  47. Maintain Mental Health through Counceling
  48. Simplify my life -
  49. Get more sleep not just rest or cat naps.
  50. Let go of the past
  51. Destress
  52. Not sleep during the day and stay awake at night.
  53. Resolve Depression Issues
  54. Become more organized
  55. Glorify God in my body
  56. Fix my teeth
  57. Get rid of anxiety
  58. Learn to love myself
  59. Financially support myself while helping others live more fully
  60. Hair care
  61. Continue gardening
  62. Lose 50 pounds
  63. A peaceful mind and body
  64. Live in the moment
  65. Less anxiety
  66. Love
  67. Get my teeth fixed
  68. Enjoy who I am
  69. Decrease stress
  70. Stay active and healthy
  71. Walk my dog every day
  72. Stop complaining
  73. Get healthy and lose weight
  74. Stress relievers
  75. I want to lose belly fat
  76. Relax
  77. Finish my projects
  78. Get rid of accumulated stuff
  79. Get more sleep
  80. Have more energy
  81. Get out of debt
  82. Peace of Mind