This article might offend some people, but please bear with me till the end and pay attention to the science mentioned in this article. As a therapist in practice for over 30 years I have had a lot of firsthand experience with this topic. Most people would not think that one all-nighter could lead to adultery, but science shows that even one night of missed sleep can have lasting effects on your life;...
10/8/2021 8:00:00 AM
Typically, in a long-distance relationship, 80% of women are the pursuer and 80% of men are the distancer. While they are in love, they see each other infrequently. This is fine for the distancer, but not so for the pursuer. In long distance relationships, distancers promise the moon, but deliver little. This is why the couple rarely sees each other and the phone, email, and text become a large part...
7/26/2018 7:00:00 AM