September 25-27th. Ayurvedic Massage Training Retreat
Ayurvedic Massage Training Retreat with Lara Narayani Golland The weekend Training at the Prama Institute will immerse you into a weekend of bliss and rejuvenation. Enjoy vegetarian meals, yoga and kirtan while learning in the beautiful Western North Carolina mountains 16 CEhrs for LMTs FRIDAY 4:...
Self Love, Sacrifice and what it means
OUR HEADS/OUR HEARTS In our modern world, people have been using their heads too much. looking objectively at life is a good thing; But when we think our way through solutions,often we may "think ourselves out of" following the intuition. Intuition is so underrated sometimes!I am surprised at how...
The healing of our beautiful world
Plants as medicine Blessed Nature welcomes us to remember simplicity and joy. There are thousands and thousands of medicines growing still on our beautiful planet. These gifts are offered to us in order to support survival and to continue to live in harmony with our external world. Separation anx...
Yoga is an ancient science from India which dates back many thousands of years. These days, the popularity of Yoga appears to be spreading across America at the speed of light. The benefits of Yoga practices are being experienced by people from all walks of life. Why is Yoga so popular? Because i...