I don’t think she means to be dismissive or rude and she may be misunderstood but she could develop more patience with patients and personal differences that may arise. Healthcare and illness is tough for doctors and patients alike, patience and grace can go a long way for both sides!
“It is possible to conceive conflict as not necessarily a wasteful outbreak of incompatibilities, but a normal process by which socially valuable differences register themselves for the enrichment of all concerned.”– Mary Parker Follett
One of the worst medical experiences I ever had with a PCP and the most costly to my physical well-being. I felt awful for a long time due to post viral complications, which impacted pretty much every aspect of my life due to the extreme fatigue, pain, and just general sense of being unwell. Throughout the whole time that I was ill, she acted so callously and kept insinuating that my symptoms were all in my head, refused to investigate further or run more tests, and was adamant that there was nothing wrong. Other doctors that I saw eventually did the testing that she could have easily done as a PCP to figure out the source of the issue but because she refused to do much of anything, my illness was prolonged for a much longer time. This doctor made inappropriate and unprofessional comments in every visit, was inaccurate in her medical assessments and did not listen, and was negligent in performing her basic duties as a primary care provider.