I received great care while I was here. Dr Feinblatt listened to my concerns and answered my questions. Follow up has been good and I have healed well.
Dr Feinblatt's confidence regarding my surgery and treatment was extremely reassuring. I would never had any operations and am typically anxious, so it was appreciated.
Dr. Feinblatt did my bunion surgery years ago and I was amazed that it wasn't painful due to the Procedures he uses during surgery. I would recommend him if you need a foot doctor. He is great! Susan S.
The overall experience was the best I could imagine given the circumstances of surgery. Doctors and staff were friendly and kind. The results of the surgery were as good as I hoped. The only thing I would change would be to have better communication with doctors before surgery.
My experience has definitely been efficient- I do not feel like I was ever mislead throughout the process and I am happy with the results of my surgery. My only critique is that sometimes I felt like I did not have enough information- I have never had surgery until this and I did not feel like I was fully equipped with information to manage the recovery. A lot of things caught me off guard and would have been helpful to know before surgery versus at post-opp appointments (I.e., what the weight-bearing process is like). Dr. Feinblatt was always open for questions, but somethings I just did not think to ask about because I did not know what I did not know.