Barry Goldstein, Chiropractor and Nutritionist

Barry Goldstein, Chiropractor and Nutritionist
Dr. Barry Goldstein 108 W 39th St. 610 New York, NY 10018
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The doctor charges $195 for the first consultation for chiropractic and another $175 for the first consultation for nutritional. These are two separate consultations. There is no reason why Dr. Goldstein can't combine the two consultations into one appointment. That's what every other kinesiologist does. We were not notified about this up front.
Additionally, Dr. Goldstein rented a used laser pointer to me for the price of $90, to be used for scar therapy. I conducted a search on the internet and discovered that I can purchase the same laser pointer brand new for just $31.
I returned the laser and received a full refund of $90 from the doctor. When we first called the doctor, he said that he does both chiropractic and nutritional and that the first consult is $195. He did not say that there would be another separate consult for nutritional that would cost $175. He just said that follow up appointments are $95. I have been to several chiropractor/kinesiologists and they all do chiropractic and nutritional in the first consult. Dividing the two into separate consults is a way to make money off of patients.
by Akiva Talansky
February 05, 2019
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