I met with Chiropractor Mark Davini in person who pretended to be an" Expert " in both Chiropractic and Medicine but instead after review of a shysters ( Lawyer ) layperson written evaluation did a "song and a dance " presentation of Junk Science with Absurd Quackery claims. Mark Davini is purely a DD Palmer philosophy based Chiropractor who claimed that subluxations in the neck is a common cause of low back pain and therefore a substantial violent twisting rotational force must be placed on the neck to check for these subluxations. Mark Davini claimed that a major cause of new neck pain and headaches is alcohol and caffeine which is preposterous and implausible as if true a large proportion of the population would have neck pain and headaches, but he is an "Expert " in Selling Quackery.
Mark Davini failed to review my Medical and Chiropractic Records which absolutely showed : 1. confirmation of a new herniated disc after the significant force on the neck from a Chiropractor using pre and post MRI imaging. 2.Confirmation of spinal fluid leak from brain using myelogram fluid pressures. 3. Confirmation of severe neck nerve injuries causing new neck pain and headaches using nerve blockade mapping and therapeutic response from such mapping. 4. Confirmation of a benign tumor within the spine lower back which by MRI and best US Experts in Neurology , Neurosurgery , and Interventional Radiology was the cause of my low back pain, and not the magical mystical subluxations in neck or Alcohol and Caffeine.
Mark Davini has been banned in the past for rendering any "Expert " opinion as his opinions are only based on a shysters ( Lawyer) layperson evaluation and not on ALL the facts making him dishonest , unethical , and untrustworthy.
Mark Davini places "Incompetent Quack " Chiropractors above the safety of the general public for monetary gain and the propagation of Quackery . This will be his Legacy.