Dr. Bradley Bongiovanni, Licensed Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Bradley Bongiovanni, Licensed Naturopathic Physician
Wholistic Medicine Specialists of Atlanta 1055 Powers Place, Suite A Alpharetta, GA 30009
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5 star average for Service
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I never write bad reviews especially for people who one would think are genuinely trying to help ease other peoples suffering but years later I still feel unsettled by my experience with Dr. Bradley Bongiovanni. I have learned to let things go and forgive fpeople who’ve done me wrong but I feel in my heart other people who are suffering like I was at the time I visited Dr Bongiovanni need to be aware of my experience.

To start off I was very young, immature and frankly very desperate for medical help with health issues I was dealing with that western medicine could not help with at the time I visited him. As I researched further into alternative medicine I stumbled upon Dr. Bongiovanni’s website and I resonated with what I saw. This was all very new to me as I had been very healthy prior to my health crisis so I wasn’t aware of the red flags.

Before I was able to even have an appointment there was a weird patient orientation thing you had to go to first. You were put in a room in the clinic with a group of other potential patients and we sat there together in front of a projector. Looking back now and remembering the video all I can think about is how manipulative it actually was. It started out talking about his credentials and how his face was on the Whole Foods supplement aisle and his mission, and it really hooked you in. Then he starts talking about how western medicine doesn’t work for certain conditions and how frustrating it is being a patient in these situations were there is no resolution to the end of your ailments and he really emphasized with what we were all going through. Everyone in that room was suffering and looking for an answer and he made you think he was that answer. Then he started talking about this success story with this girl with eczema and her progress with him. At this point my naive self was hooked and I was already in a state of desperation to pay anything to end the suffering of the health conditions I was facing. Then at the end of the “show” he explains that he only takes on patients that are serious about their health, and if that was you, you could sign up now and you would get this huge discount. My naive and broke self unfortunately signed up.

When we started having appointments together one on one it had become clear that I was “hard to treat.” The empathetical, warm, man who was giving the presentation became colder each time I visited. He made me feel like crap honestly. But I wanted to get better and would do anything at this point. There were many expensive tests taken and I was given an extremely STRICT diet that I adhered too and took TONS of expensive supplements. I ended up the spending entirety of the “healing plan” I signed up for very quickly (all the money my gramma left me when she died.) I was already thin to begin with but I got skinner as the treatment continued and felt more and more hopeless and depressed. I eventually developed an eating disorder from the relationship I started having with food after this diet plan that I didn’t recover from it until years later. There was little improvement in my health.

Eventually I moved away GA but we still video messaged for a couple appointments. When I first moved I developed cellulitis on my finger and I didn’t want to take antibiotics for it because that’s what got me in this whole mess so naturally I contacted “my doctor” and he told me to rub coconut oil on it. So I rubbed coconut oil on my disturbingly swollen finger and obviously that wasn’t enough, so I decided to go to the emergency room instead and was treated there and told me I could’ve lost it if i didn’t take antibiotics for it! Over THOUSANDS of dollars worth of supplements and appointments later he essentially gave up on my case and told me that the city where I moved had tons of alternative medicine, and that I probably had a major infection of some sort in my body that he just couldn’t treat.

I am feeling much better and have healed so much since then with Chinese medicine and other healing modalities since dealing with this whole experience. I have grown so much as a person from this and am honestly so thankful he let me go when he did because who’s knows, maybe I’d be homeless or dead if I would’ve kept being his patient.

I’m writing this to warn anyone who may be looking for answers to their health issues who feel desperate and are seeking alternative medicine to help them. I have nothing against his staff who were always very kind to me, or even too him personally, and I like to think that he does actually care and genuinely wanted to help. But people should probably think twice before deciding this is the right place for them. Money isn’t everything especially when it comes to your health, but there are many genuine doctors and healers who are affordable, who would rather see you become healthy than just to get paid. If I had the insight I have now when I first went to them I would’ve never spend a dime with this practice.
by JP xxx.xxx.184.117
January 28, 2022

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Avoid this “practice” at all costs, or it could cost you. As a scientist, I came to this with an open mind, but admittedly skeptical. If anything, I should have just let my wife go first and see if she met her goals. But no, I was suckered by the presentation, the “two-fer” special, and Dr. B’s story about his brother. I have heard from other people that attended his free dinner that he gives this same story, complete with tears. I wonder how many times he has used this and how long he will continue to use it.

The references and citations Dr. B used in his presentation make it look professional, and they may be accurate, but the proof is in the pudding. They did several tests on my wife and I up front to look for issues, but for some reason didn’t repeat the tests after treatment to see if anything had improved. This is not good science.

Dr. B has lot of pictures of “success stories” in his office. Why would this be needed, other than to convince you his practice is worthwhile? When you go into an MD’s office, do you see “success stories” plastered all over the wall? Of course not. Good practices would not need this. Some times, it’s the companies that are desperate for the business that market this way. Though all companies should market to some extent, a successful product/service can sell itself through word of mouth.

My advice would be to save your money, do some research on your own, and have LabCorp or similar run tests on the issues you suspect are causing your problems. Investigate the cost of their supplements vs. buying them on your own.

In the end, we did learn some things, but nothing that helped. I feel like they tried to help, and were kind, but in the end kindness and good intentions didn’t cure anything. I can’t help but to feel scammed. $12,000+ down the drain.

Their guarantee isn’t really a guarantee by the way. “We guarantee Your Satisfaction. You will experience satisfaction with our commitment to you, your improvement, and identifying and dealing with root causes for your condition(s). If for any reason within your wellness program you feel we did not live up to our promise, we will refund any and all UNUSED portions of your wellness curriculum.” Unfortunately, one does not know if the results have been achieved until after the program date (six months in my case) is completed, and all the program money has been used up. I.e., there is no “unused portion of the wellness curriculum” to refund.

So it’s basically a lose-lose situation for the patient if their results are not achieved. We disputed the charges with the Capital One, even providing them with a second opinion from an MD showing that Dr. B’s treatments were inadequate, but no dice. Dr. B must do a lot of business with Capital One, and they aren’t about to lose that income.

Congrats to those who did get better. Perhaps they were treated by Dr. B, unlike us, who were treated by a chiropractor with some certificates in holistic medicine. It was just very strange that both of us, after following their recommended regimen, did not get any better. If my wife would have achieved her goals, I could probably have dismissed this as “ok, it just didn’t work for me”. But no improvement in either of us? Possible, but seems unlikely.
by BS xxx.xxx.205.35
September 04, 2020

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I have been seeing Dr. B since 2013. He gives you a Treatment Plan designed specifically for you. I went to an ENT, Pulmonologist and Gastro Doctor. I was told I had reflux and asthma because I kept clearing my throat. Dr. B. changed my diet and vitamins and now I no longer clear my throat. My cholesterol has gone down and my Vitamin D has gone up. I cannot believe how much better I feel just by changing my diet and vitamins. I would highly recommend Dr. B and his staff. He is amazing.
by E Mann xxx.xxx.128.65
August 01, 2016

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Dr. B. genuinely cares for his patients. He takes the time needed with each patient and does not make you feel rushed. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs answers for their illness and is fed up with Big Pharma.
by Jeanene xxx.xxx.26.2
November 04, 2015

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Are you going to visit this provider again?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Is this business handicap-accessible?
Did this Provider let you know upfront what the approximate cost of the services would be?
Did this provider spend time asking questions and listening to you?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.251.156
April 28, 2014

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Is this provider's business conveniently located?
Absolutely! It is right off the freeway and close to everthing
Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Definitely! They staff spoke very highly of him/her
Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
Yes, they were informing me of new advancements that were extremely recent
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
Are you going to visit this provider again?
Without a doubt!
by KML xxx.xxx.95.223
June 27, 2013

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Did this provider rush your appointment?
No, I was able to ask as many questions as I wanted
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they were well-stocked
Did this provider ever take personal phone calls while in the appointment room with you?
He/she would never do that! Their full attention is always on me.
Did you notice positive changes in your health after visiting this naturopathic doctor?
Absolutely! I feel better than I've felt in years!
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
by Rhonda xxx.xxx.40.184
June 27, 2013

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Does this provider treat every client equally?
Yes, they don't show favoritism
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Do you feel that you could have received better service somewhere else?
Definitely not; I received the best service ever!
Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
No, they were ready for me right after I arrived.
Did they follow up with you after your appointment?
Yes, they made sure I had everything I needed!
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.31.70
May 10, 2013
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