Before they started my massage, they asked me how I preferred to have my massage done, to make sure they gave me exactly what I was looking for. They really care about giving their clients the best massage possible. There's been times where I've gotten a massage, and the whole massage was ruined because they had very calloused hands. I was so glad that I didn't have to worry about that here. They had very smooth hands, which made the whole massage even more enjoyable. They're always able to answer simple questions over the phone. They only make me schedule appointments if necessary. I'm always amazed at how considerate and concerned they are for my well-being. Their advice is always wonderful and completely unbiased. They always return my phone calls quickly. I always know that I'll get a prompt answer to my question.
They explained all the risks and benefits of my treatment options. Everything was explained in detail, all my questions were answered, and I felt a lot better about choosing a treatment plan. I never had to doubt their qualifications. They made their credentials completely obvious, which made me feel a lot safer. It was so nice to finally find a massage therapist that really goes out of their way to make you feel valued and important. They were so friendly that I felt like I could be one of their closest friends and it helped me feel relaxed immediately. They've never been late to any of my appointments. I've even showed up early sometimes and they've always been ready and prepared.