Horrible, the president is one of the most disgusting males I have come across. He is definitely not able to have or maintain a relationship with a human being. He doesn't want to listen. He only wants to be heard. He is horribly unhealthy to the point that he braggs about being on pharmaceutical meth. Yet he truly believes that what he says should be taken as law. He himself should be in serious therapy but held accountable. It's obvious that nobody holds him accountable because he is a president of the treatment center. It's very very sad. Nobody that braggs about being on pharmaceutical meth, and can never make it to an appointment on time should be leading a treatment center. It's obvious Doug you are in the wrong career. Sterling you need to reevaluate who you put in charge of things, if you want a real positive impact on your people and your community.
This place is nothing that its suppose to be. It is run by a bunch of under-educated, unprofessional, hypocritical people. There is no support system whatsoever. They are only about the money and how much of it they can collect from a person. The rehabilitation success rate is very low because of the lack of knowledge and support the staff has and provides. Basically a person is set up to FAIL...But then again, what would you expect from a case manager who, himself, goes on nightly drunken binges with women who's husbands are currently residing there....and then is so smashed, cant even find his own pick up, to of course, drive home drunk in. Thats setting a good example....