Goddard Geri MA

Goddard Geri MA
Goddard Geri MA 615 Sierra Rose Drive Reno, NV 89511
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Consumer Feedback

(19 Reviews)
2 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Environment
3 star average for Service
2 star average for Value
1 star average for Recommended
Geri Goddard helped in the courts and my ex-husband taking my child away from me in the early 2000's my son and I are NOT a success story for her. Instead of helping the family she separates them and then chooses a side she likes best and destroys the other parent. 23 years later she has still affected our lives. 10 thumbs down for her
by Robert xxx.xxx.81.123
February 01, 2023
Looking for victims of Geri Goddard MFT - If you would like to be part of a legal case against her please email beerlover8@hotmail.com. This is an anonymous email however it will be checked weekly.
by StellaRaylene xxx.xxx.38.112
August 22, 2017
Geri Goddard attempted to take my children away from me as mediator, counseling my children without my consent. Washoe County Family Court removed her as mediator. She has done this to many families. See ad on Craigslist. Your not alone. Fraudulent billing to me & to my insurance company. Do NOT get her as your mediator. She ruins families. Zero Stars!!!
by ThankGod xxx.xxx.42.244
February 14, 2017
Very helpful, answers emails during her off hours. Caring and concerned.
by Elizabeth xxx.xxx.19.194
September 29, 2016
Alias September 8th can you PLEASE CONTACT ME. Would love to have your input going to court. Email me at beerlover8@hotmail.com. A secondary email will check every other day. We have plans to help another parent get Geri Goddard removed as mediator like we did. Filed complaints to MFT board in Vegas and we aren't stopping there.
by ALIAS PLEASE HELP 9/8/16 xxx.xxx.42.244
September 11, 2016
All of the reviews stating that Geri Goddard is unethical are true. She tells us something and we bring it up next time and she denies ever saying it. We have proof. You know what cell phones can be used for. Her billings are outrageous. She is trying to charge $450 per hour. $225 for each parent. She has also billed for dates when we weren't there. We were out of state on vacation. She also goes into attack mode. She is vicious and our children are afraid of her. If your attorney recommends Geri Goddard get another attorney because they are probably in cahoots. I don't want to mark a star but had too.
by alias xxx.xxx.196.77
September 08, 2016
Geri Goddard is the most unethical MFT there is. Money is her main focus while ripping your children away from you & breaking apart families. I have spoke to numerous parents who had their children taken from them only to pay thousands to get them back because GERI IS CROOKED and lies. She fraudulently charges your insurance calling it a "medical treatment or service" when it is a mediator service she was providing. A CROOKED mediator service with only $$$ in mind.
by StellaRaylene xxx.xxx.170.140
July 07, 2016
Zero stars!!! Crook, unethical & will take your kids away if you don't pay her for services she creates as a mediator. Follows the paycheck which means she will side with the crooked parent so she can create an income for herself. Your kids are second to her income from your pocket. I just learned Geri was removed last year as a mediator which was an impossible feat prior to that. Run, Forest, run.
by Scared Parent xxx.xxx.132.235
February 10, 2016
Geri has help my family and the children with such professionalism. She has been in the business for over 25 years. I highly recommend her.
by Melanie Doherty xxx.xxx.168.14
February 09, 2016
YOURFAMILY&FRIENDSCARE, if this is true, Bless You My Friend. She tried to tell the courts I was abusive to my daughter because my ex was paying her $225 hourly rate! She should go to jail, she is a crook, a thief, a liar, a cheat, I can go on with every word that describes what a low life unethical piece of s**t she is! Brun in you know where Geri, you will be deserving of where you end up!
by gman1400c xxx.xxx.213.45
November 17, 2015
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