I'm not going to get into it, but after a whole day of listening to a case that was black and white, his ruling was both unfair and unjust in favor of the other side that had already stuck it to me. No wonder some people take matters into their own hands, it's because of people like him that make the justice system not just at all. If I had extra money laying around to fight his ruling you can bet i would find anyway possible to have his absurd ruling overturned . Cogan sat there smug and with a "don't care" attitude. He plainly didn't get my case whatsoever and I got it stuck to me again by the very person I thought would protect me from the person who did it the first time and while he was getting paid his very high fee to do it. Whatever you do, shopper's be ware that he will pretty much do what he wants, even if it makes no sense, and offer no reason for it. As far as I'm concerned, he's just NO GOOD and helped ruin me!