The chairs in their waiting room weren't the best but they served their purpose and I couldn't complain. I got an appointment quickly. I've never had to wait too long. The restrooms at this provider's office were clean and well-maintained. You could tell that they cleaned them regularly. Nobody followed up with either my wife or I. We had approximately 5-6, sessions as a couple, and 4-5, individual sessions. Everything I (husband), told Dr. Bundy seemed to go in one ear and out the other. I didn't feel like he cared about what I had to say at all. He touted his 30 plus years experience several times. I think he had a perconceived notion about how relationships worked, and put all men into a category as abusers and was unwilling to deviate form this perconceived belief. I don't think he believed a man could possibly be physically abused by a woman. He was, "taken in" by my wife and believed most everything she said, most of which were lies. He made her the victim and me the perpetrator. He stated, "I believe your wife struck out after years of abuse." This was the exact opposite of what had actually accurred. In fact I treated my wife very well for the eight years prior to getting married, and the five years we had been married at that time. Even during her two year affair, and her physical, and emotional abuse . I feel all the time, money, and effort we put into sessions with Dr. Bundy trying to repair our marriage were a waste. In fact it was very harmful to me, and caused may more difficulties in our marriage and my life. It wasn't until we saw another therapist in the community that things began to improve. Unfortunately the damage had been done, and I divorced my wife in April of 2009. I am not blaming Dr. Bundy for my divorce, however, it didn't help that my wife was allowed to make some very clear untruths with me sitting in the same room, and have Dr. Bundy believe these lies. It gave her a lot of power and she used that power to make my life miserable. I have no problems being contacted about any part of this e-mail. Thank you.