Sandra Segall literally drove my marriage to ruins. She emboldened and enables my spouse who is a pathological liar and has sociopathic tendencies to continue extraordinary levels of emotional abuse and gaslighting (He's very witty and extremely intelligent and able to spin a very good web of deceit). He has been characterized by military professions as having anti personality disorder. She went so far as to provide him poor legal advice based unfounded and one sided view of his encounter that led to an escalation in our marriage. Ultimately, I left him and then was shamed by her stating "divorce is stupid?. She provided advice to a controlling spouse who wanted me to remain insecure and ensured him he did not have to talk to me about anything he didn't want to or would cause tension, yet the one hour of marriage counseling a week was unproductive and she was not able to provide any guidance or control of the issues. I do not recommend.