I can tell it is maybe not a top priority to maintain a professional appearance here. They didn't look terrible, but there is definitely lots of room for improvement. It would have been nice if they were a little bit friendlier to me during my session. They were kind of friendly, but I wasn't very impressed. They barely gave me any information at all. I'm going to have to do my own research to get my questions answered.
She was hostile toward me at times. I was very sick physically and on antidepressents. My situation was obviously outside her abilities. She told me I was boring and she didn't know why anyone would want to be around me. She said going out partying with me would be like dragging a rock around all night. She advised me to smoke pot and drink. She accused me of being power hungry. She sometimes talks about her patients behind their backs. I am pretty sure this is not right. She made me feel even worse.