I was hoping for better treatnebt by the doctor. His nurses were very nice but the Doctor himself was very rude to me and made me feel very uncomfortable. He was just not compassionate to my physical needs and I have blood pressure problems. It exculated while I was there, because of the rudeness in which he spoke to me.. I feel worse now than when I got there and INSULTED!!!!! He was not nice to me and I was treated me unkindly by the doctor! So much for self respect!!!. I am nearly 50 years old and do not know what has happened to the medical field!! Gone are the days where you could actually have good treatment at a reasonable cost, and you felt like the doctor really cared about your needs. Now all doctors are is scared of the government and their rules!! And I spend good money to get misdiagoesed and treated badly!! I miss the good old days when the family doctor was understanding compassionate and gave you medicine that worked at a reasonable price!! No I do not recommend this doctor at all!!!