Leinweber Libby

Leinweber Libby
Leinweber Libby 1661 North SWan Road Tucson, AZ 85712
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We visited this therapist when my daughter was 13 and struggling because of abandonment issues with her father and sexual abuse from her boyfriend at the time. While this therapist was able to befriend my child, she was completely unable to separate her own issues she struggled with between herself and her daughter from the issues my daughter and I were struggling with. Her past brings perspective to others in that she has experience in difficult relationships;however, she is unable to evaluate mother/daughter relationships without comparing them to herself. She has caused more detrimental damage to a healthy family that sought help to deal with difficult times, than she did any good. I pray she finds a conscience and some morals before she further damages other families.
by Deceived Mother xxx.xxx.133.236
November 19, 2014
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