I brought my cat in for treatment of tapeworms. The doctor and staff were all so very friendly and professional. All my questions and concerns were answered and I left fully satisfied with the treatment he received. The dedication and love of animals was obvious in every person I encountered working here...such a great thing to see!
I could tell that they took pride in their office's appearance. It was very well organized and well taken care of. Their staff is the most friendly, welcoming staff I've ever dealt with. They are so warm and professional, and make the whole experience that much better. My pets love it here and they are never anxious to leave (however it could be due to all the fun treats they get) . I'm usually somewhat sensitive to the cold, so I was a little worried that their office would be too cold, but it was fine. I was very comfortable the entire time. They always make sure to return my phone call as soon as possible. They've never left me waiting.