Escalon Small Animal Clinic

Escalon Small Animal Clinic
Escalon Small Animal Clinic Escalon, CA 95320
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Beware: Rocky's Story
I found Rocky, a starving 4 year old Doberman Pinscher with an injured leg on the side of French Camp Rd. in the early morning on June 6th, 2011. I drove him straight to Dr. Haggin's Small Animal Clinic where I was told the younger Dr. Haggin would do a free exam. At 1:00PM I was called and the "younger" Dr. Haggin wanted to do an X-Ray for $80.00. I said "Go ahead." Later I recieved a call at 3:15pm from the younger Dr. Haggin who stated "This is an old dog, his leg is moth eaten, he has cancer as well as a shattered pelvis and only has a few months to live." Dr. Haggin recommended "chemotherapy and surgery ( for a starting cost of $2000.00.) or he said the other alternative was to put him down." I was upset and could not afford the treatment recommended, so I said to please put the dog down. The "kind" Dr. Haggin then put me on the phone with the receptionist who stated "the charge to put the dog down is $400.00, but the doctor is only charging you $200.00, so you owe us $280.00."I stated that sounded very high. The receptionist said "No, this dog weighs 70lbs. and it takes a lot of medication to put him down." I stated the dog was starved and there was no way he weighed 70lbs. the receptionist said "Well you can take him to a shelter to be put down and then bury him in your backyard but it will still cost you every bit of $200.00." I was stunned in regards to what was being said and how rudely it was said. I know about phenobarbital, which is used to put dogs down, and I know it does not cost that much. I went down to the clinic and asked to speak with Dr. Haggin. After making me wait an hour he finally agreed to speak with me. Dr. Haggin insisted that due to the dogs suppossed weight of 70lbs. it would cost $200.00 worth of medicine to put him down and that he would just be "breaking even." I told the doctor I would not be doing business with him as I knew I was being lied to and taken advantage of. I informed him he had now lost business from my three other dogs that were regularly seen at the clinic for vet care, boarding and grooming. I took Rocky to see Dr. Santos in turlock. Dr. Santos weighed Rocky- his weight-39lbs. not 70lbs. Dr. Haggin had lied to me about Rocky's weight as I had suspected. Dr. Santos kept Rocky overnight and did bloodwork and X-Rays. He called me the next day with the results-ROCKY DID NOT HAVE CANCER! In fact he was a healthy dog with an old leg injury. Rocky did not have a shattered pelvis. When I told Dr. Santos about Dr. Haggin stating it would cost $200.00 worth of medicine to put Rocky down, Dr. Santos shook his head in disbelief. He then took out a vial of medicine and said that a $40.00 vial of medicine could put down 10 dogs Rocky's size.It would cost approximately $4.00 dollars worth of medicine to put Rocky down. Dr. Santos also said Rocky is approximately 4 years old-not an old dog as Dr. Haggin stated. Thank God I did not listen to Dr. Haggin. Rocky is doing great. He has gained 20lbs and now weighs 59lbs. He is running on all four legs and is a wonderful loving and protective pet. He is very healthy and happy. I cannot believe there are vets out there like the younger Dr. Haggin who will lie and take advantage of someone who has a heart for animals in order to make as much money as possible off the situation. I also cannot believe there are vets like Dr. Haggin who can totally misdiagnose a dog's condition saying they have cancer and a fractured pelvis when this is totally not the case. The younger Dr. Haggin was just trying to make money off me after acknowledging that I was "just trying to help a poor stray dog out." VETS LIKE THE YOUNGER DR. HAGGIN SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PRACTICE VETERINARY MEDICINE IN MY OPINION!
by Anonymous
August 07, 2011

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Did this provider ever dismiss your concerns as unimportant?
No, they take every concern of mine seriously
Was this veterinarian able to perform all basic as well as complicated procedures?
Absolutely! They handle everything from annual shots to complicated illnesses, with competence and loving care
Has this provider ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
Never, they are very reliable.
Does this provider remember you by name?
Every single time, even if it's been months since my last appointment!!
Did this veterinarian seem overwhelmed with too many pets?
Not at all, they are always so organized here with making sure the vet is never too overwhelmed to ensure the best service
by Anonymous
July 01, 2011
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