Tendercare Alpena

Tendercare Alpena
Tendercare Alpena 301 Long Rapids Rd Alpena, MI 49707
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
4 star average for Environment
3 star average for Staff
1.5 star average for Recommended
2 star average for Value
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Friendly Enough
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
No, I felt confused and uneasy when I left
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
Are you going to visit this provider again?
Not if my life depended on it
Did this provider have reasonable prices?
No, it was expensive.
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.235.14
May 15, 2012
My Dad was released from Alpena Regional Medical Center to Tendercare, on June 04, 2010. I had been speaking to my Dad's doctors every day concerning his health/condition since he was admitted to Alpena Regional on May 24, 2010. But, after Dad was transferred to Tendercare, on June 4, 2010; I was not allowed to EVER speak to Dr. Kerr, Tendercare's treating physician. The doctor was evaluating my Dad on June 5, 2010. I called three times requesting to speak to the doctor to find out my Dad's condition. Dr. Kerr's WIFE, Carol, actually came to the phone and told me she was "the doctor's wife"; and she rudely questioned "who are you", "where are you calling from"; "you can't speak to the doctor, the doctor's my husband".....I had called three times requesting to speak to Dr. Kerr, to make sure my Dad was going to be alright; and that he would be going home in a few days. Instead, another nurse called me back from Tendercare and said I could no longer speak to my Dad's doctor; only his brother,Emmette St. Onge (who Dad hadn't spoken to in two years - was allowed to speak to the doctor...) Somehow, Tendercare went along with NOT ALLOWING my Dad's daughters to speak to his doctor. MY DAD DIED THAT NIGHT BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND 1 A.M. Dr. Kerr should have allowed me to speak with him. Dr. Sheikho at Alpena Regional told me Dad would be home after several days at Tendercare. Dr. Kerr evaluated my Dad and would have known Dad was more serious then we realized. I never got to talk to Dr. Kerr about Dad's evaluation.....Tendercare is where they put you when they want you to die; and they cut you off from speaking to Dr. Kerr, the attending physician for Tendercare. And, Dr. Kerr's wife, Carol Kerr, had no right whatsoever to come to the phone and speak to me about my Dad. Kr. Kerr and Carol Kerr and Tendercare should all be ashamed of themselves.
by Patti St. Onge Piper
November 07, 2011
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