Donald Rosen, MD

Donald Rosen, MD
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Ohsu-Uhn-80 Portland, OR 97239
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(2 Reviews)

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Has this psychiatrist ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
They try not to, but sometimes it happens.
Does this provider remember you by name?
Every single time, even if it's been months since my last appointment!!
Would you refer a friend or family member to this psychiatrist?
Was this provider willing to stay open late to accomodate your needs?
Yes, they've stayed open late when I've needed help
Would you recommend this psychiatrist to others?
I Already Have
by Anonymous
October 06, 2012

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I had the good fortune of working with Dr. Rosen ( as my therapist) about 10 years ago at the Menninger Clinic ( then located in Kansas). We worked together for close to a year and the work
we did was very significant. He helped me open up and trust and begin to lay the foundation for further therapy, which has been exremely successful. Without Dr. Rosen's ability to know how to
bring me to trust and talk as well as his calming, even manner, I would not have been able to go
further and would not be as healthy as I am today.

I only wish I had some way to tell him "thank you," and to let him see just how far I have come-
How important and vital his work with me was.
by Anonymous
January 01, 2010
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