I was referred to Dr Kitchener by my family physician. We had high hopes the the Doctor would be able to help me. After a very brief, impersonal, and superficial exam (I was only asked the questions that I filled out on the questionnaire prior to going) Dr Kitchener set up a series of tests that were conducted about 6 weeks ago. After completing the tests, the Dr's office called to set up a follow up exam- for 6 weeks later! I expressed my frustration with the staff (if you break an arm, do you get an x-ray then wait a month to get it set and casted?) to no avail, of course, and confirmed the appointment. The week before the follow up, I get another call from the staff stating Dr Kitchener would be unavailable that day and they would need to reschedule--- another 5 weeks later!!! Totally unacceptable. I go to the doctor to get better and see results. I cannot get results if I continue to go untreated. Some things don't get better with a wait and see approach. In my experience, Dr Kitchener is very curt, cold, and unacessible and his follow through is terrible.