Cheryl Anderson-Cermin, DDS

Cheryl Anderson-Cermin, DDS
Falls Orthodontics 307 North Washington Street Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
No, I was always attended to
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
No, they are really great about answering the phone right away
Was this provider's office too loud?
No, it wasn't too loud
Was it clear that this provider takes pride in the appearance of his/her office?
Yes, the office was well organized and taken care of
Does this provider treat every client equally?
Sometimes, but not all the time
by Anonymous
May 20, 2013
Were the restrooms clean at this provider's office?
Yes, they were immaculate!
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Among the best I have seen
Does this provider treat every client equally?
Yes, they don't show favoritism
Was this provider willing to stay open late to accomodate your needs?
Sometimes, but most of the time they don't
by Anonymous
November 29, 2011
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