Robert D King DDS

Robert D King DDS
Robert D King DDS 1220 Amherst Street Winchester, VA 22601
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Consumer Feedback

(6 Reviews)
3 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
2 star average for Value

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Was this provider's staff friendly?
Did this dentist explain your dental procedure to you?
Do you trust this dentist to only recommend dental procedures you need?
Yes, I trust them
Did you experience unnecessary pain during your visit?
by Anonymous
September 16, 2011

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Was the waiting area spacious?
Yes, extremely spacious
Do this dentist have a good professional reputation among other dentists?
Yes, they are recommended by other dentists
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
No, if they had music on it was very soothing
Did this provider listen to your input and concerns?
Absolutely! This provider always listens carefully to what I have to say!
by Anonymous
July 20, 2011

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Was this provider's office too cold?
Yes, I was freezing
Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
Yes, I had to reorganize my schedule
Does this provider promptly return your phone calls?
Not really. I usually have to wait a long time
Has this provider ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
No, they didn't cancel on me last minute
Do this dentist have a good professional reputation among other dentists?
Yes, they are recommended by other dentists
by Anonymous
May 23, 2011

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Did you notice a foul odor when you arrived at this provider's office?
No, I didn't notice an odor
Were you able to relax during your appointment?
Yes, I was completely at ease
Does this provider offer any coupons, discounts or promotions?
Not that I have seen
Were you able to watch TV during your dental procedure?
No, but I was able to read a magazine
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
No, there was no annoying music
by Anonymous
March 30, 2011
Was the water they used during your teeth cleaning a comfortable temperature?
Absolutely! It was the perfect temperature
by Anonymous
March 07, 2011

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Did this provider prominently display their diplomas or business license?
Did a staff member acknowledge or greet you when you entered?
Yes, I was greeted when I walked in
by Anonymous
February 28, 2011
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