Dental DeLite – Dallas

Dental DeLite – Dallas
Dental DeLite – Dallas (214) 659-1996 8222 Bruton Rd Dallas, TX 75217
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value

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Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Absolutely! I knew I was being cared for by an expert!
Did the staff make you feel uncomfortable when you called with questions or concerns?
Not at all! They were happy to address every concern I had
Have the fillings, crowns, or veneers you've received lasted?
Yes, they lasted as long as they were supposed to
by Anonymous
August 30, 2013
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
Not at all, they were glad to help me with anything I needed
by Anonymous
May 16, 2013
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