I had john diori prior to 2010 he was my primary care I've only had two doctors for primary care Dr deorio and who I have know witch is Dr. Blanchett who is a good primary care I was told to leave Dr. Deorio back in the late 2000 I came across his practice because of a person around the corner of his main St. Building seeing this brought back good memories because he took great care of me anytime I had any problem he always sent me to that specific doctors he never tried to fix it himself I geuss seeing this I wanted to put down just how good of a doctor he was along with the rest in his office and of course his nurses who In my opinion I have yet to find any who come close to how professional they were I left his practice because of my own doing and to be honest I wish I never had but we do what we do and God stays by our side to guide us so if I was to say what type of practice he had it Waz AA all the way David Ralston