Peter Horan, MD

Peter Horan, MD
Primary Medical Care Inc 785 Rockdale Ave New Bedford, MA 02740
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(3 Reviews)
5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value

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by Anonymous
May 16, 2012

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They paid close attention to me and all of my questions were answered. Their staff is very friendly and professional. I was very satisfied with my visit. They were helpful and I left feeling encouraged. The office was very easy to locate. I didn't have any trouble finding it at all.
peter used to be my doctor many years ago when i lived there i had a young daughter she was 3-4 yrs,old then she's 30 yrs.old now,he was a great doctor gave me some good advice that i remember.
i'm in florida now haven't seen him in many years i remember hin though.
by sue
April 18, 2012
Did this provider have reasonable prices?
by Anonymous
July 26, 2011
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