If you're looking for someone whose bedside manner is non-existent Dr. Safran will not disappoint you.
She has all the compassion of a robot. It, Does. Not. Compute. Having pain following a procedure:: take Ibuprofen. Leave an urgent message that you're in severe pain, then followed by an email for her Nurse Practitioner, Lisa Buckley, don't expect any call back. Tree Apple.
Three days later pain level at an 8 her Nurse Practitioner, Lisa Buckley will eventually call and tell you Dr. Saffron recommends taking Advil ... with Ibuprofen.
I'm 80 tears old with a chronic heart condition, GERDS Disease. Hightail Hyena, two stomach ulcers, arthritis, and osteoporosis I'm not looking to score pain meds.
Not if they tied me to a horse and dragged me forty mile by my tongue would I ever be a patient of either of these two throw backs to 1950's style of practicing medicine.