Midtown Dental Center

Midtown Dental Center
Midtown Dental Center 1108 Airport Boulevard Pensacola, FL 32504
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I had a filling fall off one of my rear molars.
I went to Midtown Dental Center because they accepted my insurance and they were near where I was staying during my day off. On 12/112009 Donnie Marsh-Filipczak DMD performed the appointment. She looked and took an x-ray of my tooth. She said that I needed a crown and there were no other choices. This I believe was a ploy to make more money. There were other choices. Using dentistry skills, she could have replaced the filling at a supporting geometry (there was plenty of tooth to support the bite.). My research informs me “if more than half of your tooth is filled, a crown will most likely be recommended”. This was not the case. There was only a small part where the existing filling fell off and it wasn't anywhere near 50% filled. Her crown was more expensive by at least 25 percent more then other Dentists I have asked. She charged $1,389.00. I had other quotes for around $1000.00. As example Dennis Lichorwic D.M.D quoted $900!

After a few days with the temporary crown in place I called Donnie Marsh-Filipczak DMD and told her about the tenderness and discomfort I was having with the crown. She said it was normal.

I have researched that even with a good dentist about 4% of all crowns still need to have a root canal. I can assure you this is not the case with me.

I went back to have the permanent crown installed. I complained again about the sensitivity. She had a very difficult time fitting the crown. After many tries of regrinding the crown thus weakening it tremendously, she finally had to grind down my lower tooth. Thus aggravating, traumatizing and ruining the lower tooth in the process.

I called complaining about discomfort and sensitivity again and was informed that it should subside after a few weeks.

I called many more times about the pain, discomfort and food sticking problem.

About three months later while experiencing sensitivity on the rear of the crowned tooth, I started experiencing extreme pain and I called her emergency line and nobody returned my call even though I informed on the message of my extreme pain.

I went back for an emergency dental visit. She confirmed that I needed an emergency root canal but couldn't supply a Endodontist to provide the service. She made no prescriptions to me to subside the pain I was enduring. I have to thank myself in finding an Endodontist that could perform the emergency root canal.

I had to have an emergency root canal.

I experienced tremendous pain and discomfort for more then 8 months. Which all could have been avoided with proper care.

The margin error still attracts food and is very uncomfortable.

The crown has broken a side off of it. ( Due to all the unnecessary grinding and poor fit, this was inevitable, and would have happen anytime whether a hole was drilled in the top for a root canal or not! )The crown needs to be replaced due in fact more to the problem margin then the chip and needs to be replaced.

After my research on crown installations, I can say many things supporting my claim of negligence against Donnie Marsh-Filipczak DMD. One, she could have easily put the crown on backwards. Secondly, the crown was poorly created( bad mold impression, no impression of the opposite teeth, and\or poor crown craftsmanship ). The disturbing fact is that after all the effort she just didn't give up and take a new impression and do the right thing and order another crown. She was determined to have that crown, after all the grinding be the one I got.

I have researched that even with a good dentist about 4% of all crowns still need to have a root canal. In my case this not true. Due the improper margin gap on the rear of the tooth, this is obviously Donnie Marsh-Filipczak DMD fault. This is in fact the cause of the tooth's root dying including, all the extreme aggravating pain I endured over the duration.
by wwwlouie
January 19, 2011
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